Wednesday, May 6, 2020

History of Security in the Us - 1488 Words

Historical Development of Private Security in the United States Pamela Adamoyurka University of Maryland University College Without a doubt the profession of private security has evolved over time. Today if you were to ask group of Americans at what point in history did the need for private security became significant, you’re likely to receive one of the two answers. Half would say toward the ending of World War II, because many of the man returning from the war had prior military police training and acquired work within the private sector as private police (security). While the younger individuals within the group will likely respond, private security became significant after 9/11; due to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) being†¦show more content†¦In 1955 the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) was formed by a group of security professional. The primary goal of the ASIS is not only to protect people and property but also to safeguard information from both private and public businesses. Dumping forth a bit more than a decade is when Congress endorsed the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act which set aside billions of dollars to help battle crime and to optimize the administration of justice. As the private security industry sustained growth for the years to follow a major program and administration was developed that still exists today; the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (governs federal grants to improve local, county and state police training and upgrades) and the Law Enforcement Education Program ( supplies grant or loans for law enforcement personnel to attend college) (Ortmeier, 2009). Finally, by 1976 the Task Force Report on Private Security was published; this was â€Å"the first time a national commission recognized private security as an essential ingredient to public safety† (Ortmeier, 2009, p.13). Throughout duration of the twentieth century the industry of private security continued toShow MoreRelatedHistory of Private Security in the Us Essay1100 Words   |  5 PagesHistory of Security in the United States CCJS 345 3 February 2013 Abstract Security in America has evolved from the time of the first settlers to today’s well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant growth of private security from pre-Civil War to post World War II consisted of a lack of public police and large monetary loss by private industry. Today, security is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology crimes. 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